Can We Get Ugandan Visas up Arrival from India?
We're Indian Citizens.



If the application is rejected by the High Commission of India, can we get the Ugandan Visa on arrival at Entebbe Airport?

Please guide us.



Hello Timmy,

You and your group will have to first analyse the reasons why your visa application was rejected by the Uganda High Commission in India and attempt to meet the requirements before you can come to Uganda.

One key factor which is used to determine that someone will qualifies to come to Uganda is the ability to demonstrate a good financial position.

I'm not quite sure though if you can be given a visa in Uganda once once your application has been rejected in India.

Chances are that your visa application/rejection will still be in the Uganda Immigration Database upon your arrival at Entebbe, and the same reasons you were denied a visa in India will be the same reasons you will be denied a visa in Uganda if your situation has not significantly changed from the time you first applied for the visa.

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Sep 04, 2015
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Apr 22, 2010
Uganda Visas for Indians
by: ON

I see quite a number of Indians here in Uganda and many have several business in Uganda from computer shops to factories.

The next time I enter one of those Computer shops on Kampala road I will inquire for you how these brothers of yours made it...!?

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