Pig Farming Business Guide

Eyeing Uganda piggery as your next African business venture or you're looking online for some pigs/piglets/pork/bacon or just advice to solve a mind boggling problem on your pig farm...? 

Pig Production Business Guide

If you've been around Uganda's eating joints lately, then you know that pork is a popular delicacy among dinners countrywide.

I've watched corporates rapidly emptying the Bacon dish at one Serena Hotel's five start restaurant during breakfast,

Bacon is a main part of the popular Seven Deadly Sins breakfast dish served at Emin pasha hotel,

Shreaded dry pork with onions is a favorite lunch order at Quong xing, a new budget chinese restaurant in Kampala,

Shizziling pork, a dish served on its frying pan while still blazing is an interesting dinner order I've observed at Arirrang Korean Restaurant,

and it goes without saying that Roasted pork remains an unbeatable accompanment for an evening drink in most Ugandan towns and villages today.

If you've been to Nakulabye, and Wandegeya towns near Makerere University, you will be amazed at how droves of students and young corporates alike never stop filling up the pork joints every evening.

Well, what ever your quest, I guess you've stumbled on this page because you have some interest in Uganda's Pig production value chain and as such I suggest you read on...

You could be just lines away from a possible solution to your current Uganda piggery puzzle...!

After noting the rapidly evolving pork culture in Uganda today, I felt we should take a closer look at how you can take advantage of the potentially huge market for pork and pork products in Africa to start and sustain your own lucrative pig farming/piggery business.

In this Pig Production Business Guide we share information about:

In this guide we also do share interesting Piggery Investment success stories in Uganda, so you can learn first hand from common people who have made it big in the Pig production business.

Be sure NOT to miss Racheal Mubiru's story, the one Ugandan Woman who Became a Millionairess from Piggery!

9 reasons Pig Farming could be good Business for you in Uganda

So why would you zero down on piggery and leave other domestic animals aside...?

Well, consider the points below so you can Know that you've made the right decision to start planning a Pig Farming Business:

  • The pig has a high feed conversion efficiency and as such produces more live weight gain from a given weight of feed than any other class of meat producing animal, the big comes second only to the Broiler Chicken
  • The Pig is able to utilize a wide variety of food stuffs like Grains, forages, and converts them into valuable nutritious meat. Feeding your pig on damaged grains and other leftovers reduces the stress of buying food stuffs and concequently you will spend less or no money on food, depending on the system you adopt.
  • Pigs are comparatively very fertile having a short generation interval; a female pig/sow reaches maturity as early as 8-9 months when she can start breeding. In one year your pig can produce/farrow twice, producing 8-12 piglets each time.
  • You will invest relatiely small on Buildings and farm equipment when starting your pig Production Business.
  • You will comparatively yeild more meat from a pig than other animals in terms of dressing percentage; you could easily get 65-80 percent meat from a pig and yet with other livestock your dressing yeild would not exceed 65 percent.
  • Pork itself is a very nutritious meat with high fat and low water content, and has got better energy value than that of other meats. The meat is rich in vitamins like thiamin, Niacin and reboflavin. Your pig production business can thus be used to fight malnutrion a well.
  • You can use the pig manure from your farm as a fertilizer for plants and fish ponds
  • Pigs store fat rapidly for which there is an increasing demand from poultry feeds, soap, paints and ther chemical industries.
  • Your pig farming business could provide quick returns since you can achive the Marketable weight of fattening pigs within a period of 6-8 months.
  • As I mentioned earlier, there is currently good demand for Pig Farming products from both the domestic and export markets.

You can make an order for pigs, pig products, farm supplies and advisory services here.

Identify the good Pig breeds for your commercial farm

Use this section to identify the breeds you will take to your commercial piggery unit.

Large white: You will identify this breed by its distinguished erect ears and slightly dished face. The body is long with excellent hams and fine hair. This breed is very prolifc with good mothering ability and can be used for pork and bacon production.

Landrace: You will identify this pig breed by its white colour, dropping ears and a straight snout. Sows produce and rear litters of piglets with very good daily gain and high lean meat content ideal for pork and bacon.

Duroc: You will identify this pig breed by its golden brown to black colour with a thick aubum coat and hard skin. Ears are relatively small and slighly dropping. Traditionally the Durocs hae been used as terminal sires, characterized by quick growth, deep body, broad ham, and shoulder. The Duroc is good at looking after its young and as such is a good breed for outdoor piggery. This pig breed is very suitable for anything from light pock to heavy pig production.

Hampshire: Developed in the USA and now one of the world's most important pig breeds. Extensively used as the sire of cross bred pigs for pork and bacon production. A very prolific pig breed. Produces lean meat in abundance and comparatively produces more meat than Large White and Landrace breeds.

Combrough: Commonly imported from South Africa, grow fast , have considerably less fat and the females are great mothers who don't lose their babies. They feed babies well and have enough milk. Give birth to an average of 14 piglets , 3 times a year. Can be resistant to disease when managed well.

And now you know which breed to ask for next time you go to buy pigglets for your farm!

You can make an order for pigs, pig products, farm supplies and advisory services here.

So which Pig Farming System should you deploy?

Depending on the amount of capital you can afford to invest on your pig farm; you will have to choose one of these three (3) Pig farming systems.

Free range/scavenging pig keeping : a less extensive system that would provide your household with an emergency fund to fall back to while supplying some little meat from time to time. This is the system you will deploy with little investment of time and money.

Semi Intensive pig keeping: you will use this system when you want to keep your pigs in a house and pay good attention to health and feeding. Production is higher and the pigs are also marketed. This system is commonly used by medium scale pig farmers in Uganda.

Intensive pig keeping: you will deploy this system when you want to produce meat efficiently for the market and for profit, usually in large numbers. You will have to invest significant time and money and carefully calculate your costs and resulting benefits. Be ready to invest in modern housing and on pig requirements for health and feeding.

Further to the above pig farming systems, you have to decide on a Pig Production System strategy.

Farrow to Wean: here you keep a parent stock of pigs and which give birth to piglets. Once the piglets are born, you rare them up to weaning and sell to growers and fatteners. You sell piglets only.

Farrow to Finish: here you raise piglets , wean them, grow them and fatten them in one unit. You sell pork, and live pigs to slaughter houses. Adopt this strategy if you have no market for piglets in your locality.

Fattening: Here you do not keep any parents on your farm. You continuously buy piglets and grow them for pork.

You can make an order for pigs, pig products, farm supplies and advisory services here.

How to work around the business numbers for your Piggery Unit

Just like any other business, you have to plan before you seek to start up your pig farm business. Whereas today we have increasing markets and prices for pig and pig products, we're increasingly facing high costs of production that could eat into your profits if we do not carefully plan for these costs.

No matter what system of production you choose to adopt, commercial pig production is highly profitable if proper husbandry is followed.

The following assumptions will help you project your business profitability as an average farmer:

  • a Piglet at 2 months, average weight 12Kg
  • Pig Average Weight Gain (ADG) per day is 0.607Kg
  • Breeding pigs are capable of producing 2 litters per year
  • Based on a service/gestation/farrowing/weaning/recovery cycle of 183 Days, each female pig could produce 20 piglets per year.

Factors that will affect your Pig Farm Profitability

Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR): or Feed Coversion Efficiency (FCE): is the measure of a pig's efficiency in converting feed mass into increased body mass. Specifically, FCR is the mass of the food eaten divided by the body mass gain, all over a specified period. Animal breeds with a low FCR are considered efficient users of feed.

Average Daily Gain (ADG): is a significant factor in assesssing growth rates in most food animal species. Your aim is that you keep a pig that grows faster so that you can achieve market weights in shortest period of time using the least amount of input/cost so that you recieve the highest profit. In pig production, the most cost-efficient feed conversion and the highest average daily gain are the primary factors determing efficieny of production.

Health: poor health will up the feed conversion ratio and reduce the average daily gain. Diseases like African Swine Fever (ASF) can wipe away all your pigs and cause a massive loss.

Genetics: The current market demands leaner carcases , so you should strive to produce leaner pigs, animals with high growth rate, larger litter size, high heritability and low conversion ratio. All these are directly influenced by genetics.

Reproduction: poor selection of the breeding stock and choice of a boar or artifical insaminate will directly affect your pig farming business profits.

Market and price: the market for pigs and pork is wide but has no importance before you identify your own market and the price it offers.

For the case of Uganda, pig production has become increasingly important; evidenced by the change in pig population from 0.19 to 3.2 million. In 2011, Uganda had the highest per capita consumption of pork in sub-saharan africa at 3.4kg/person/year.

We have many butchers, restaurants, hotels and supermarkets establishing today with pork on their menu both in Urban and rural areas. Pork is a delicacy to many Ugandans and largely considered a social meat that cannot miss on several parties organized by non- Muslim communities. Pork joints have also become meeting places for groups of people who want to eat meat. Unlike other meats, many pork consumers in Uganda prefer eating close to a kilogram of pork each time they meat at a pork joint!

You can make an order for pigs, pig products, farm supplies and advisory services here.

Costs: Items you will have to spend money on, when establishing your Pig Farming Business

Fixed Costs: you will incurr these before you start any production. They remain the same irrespective of any production increases or decreases and include: Building costs, Purchase/construction of feed troughs, Purchases or replacement of breeding stock, and Purchase of land.

Variable Costs: costs that will change in proportion to your production levels including Veterinary costs, stationary , transport , Maintenace of facilities, Marketing costs, wages and salaries , and losses due to mortalities.

Income: The sources from which your business expects money to come from will also affect your profits. Your Pig Farming Business could expect to make money from the sale of Weaners, Porkers and baconers, cull boars and sows, breeding boars and sows ,as well as sale of Manure.

Profits: This is the difference between your costs and income. The costs should include labor and any possible risk in your business. The most expensive input in pig production is feeds because it consumes between 60 to 80% of the total production costs. You have to implement strategies that will reduce the input costs in your business.

Use the form below to make an order for pigs, pig products, farm supplies and any other services you would like relating to Piggery.


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Then you have the opportunity to share it right here!

Pig Production Business Guide Updates, Deals and Answers to Frequently asked Questions

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I have 50 piglets for sale  
Question I have over 50 piglets but have not failed to get market for them. could you be able to recommend me some buyers? Answer Please send …

Camborough pig breed 
Hi, your stories here are amazing and inspiring. Please provide me with the contacts of the two ladies with the Camborough pig breed I.e Dr. Naluyimba …

Successful Uganda Farmer Earns 8M per Month From Piggery Unit alone 
At a glance, Dr. Emma Naluyima looks like any elite Ugandan woman, but on her farm in Bwerenga, off Entebbe Road in Wakiso district, she is every inch …

How to Mix my Piggery Feeds 

How a Ugandan Woman Became a Millionairess from Piggery  
RACHAEL Mubiru was tired of being a jobless housewife with no income. The trials of lacking an income are what drove her to venture into commercial farming. …

exotic breeds 
I am looking to start commercial pig farming and I have capital to buy 12 exotic breeds to start with, so how do you advice and recommend I start..sows …

Pastor  Not rated yet
I have just acquired 2 pregnant pigs which gave birth 4 days after I took them where they are kept. At the moment someone is helping me keep them as I …

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