Climate Change and the business opportunities it presents for Africa.

Monday, 22nd November 2010

For decades and even centuries carbon dioxide concentration in the earth's surface has been on the increase. Since the industrial revolution took root in the late 1700s and early 1800s, carbon emissions have been on the increase.

Today, climate change posses a great challenge to humanity. However, at the same time it presents great business opportunities for the African Continent for investment in the energy sector. Such opportunities ranging from wind mills, solar as well as biomass energy. Unlike thermal energy which could be dangerous to our environment, these sources of energy provide an opportunity to mitigate the ever increasing effects of climate change if they are well harnessed.

According to United Nations Development Fund for Women- UNIFEM President Mrs. Almas Jiwani, while addressing a conference in Kampala recently noted that climate change presents business opportunities for better livelihoods especially for the African Continent with vast endowments of solar and wind sources of energy.

Green energy projects like a partnership between Sesam Energetics (a local company in Uganda) and Taylor Biomass Energy (a US based company) not only provide a viable solution to combating climate change, it also works to solve problems of limited electricity supply as well as providing better livelihoods for populations across the African Continent.

By Kayondo Jimmy Emmanuel

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Feb 16, 2011
Sustainable Energies
by: Anonymous

It is great to have such a collaboration between a local company and one from North America. The local community can benefit from this through creation of Job opportunities, Reduction of waste material, water, land and air pollution hence creation of sustainable alternatives forms of energy.

With all said and hopefully going to be done, i hope that the separation of wastes and the Sludge from the same factory will not pave way to Lake Victoria, polluting the water with mixture of chemicals that can be carcinogenic. We may use the Methane for Biomass Energy but release Carcinogens in the Lake!

Good Job Noah!

Nov 22, 2010
Climatic Change and Business in Africa
by: Anonymous

Thanks Jimmy for this great article.

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