Common Eland

Elands have been semi domesticated in some areas. Elands size and docility as well as its rich milk, tasty meal and useful skin have encouraged research on its use in game ranching.


Common name: Common Eland
Scientific name: taurotragus oryx
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Mammalian
Order: Artodactyla
Family : Boridae
Genus: Taurotragus
Species: Oryx

Where to find the Common Eland

Are found in (Zambezi, East Africa, West Africa. They are found in grassland, mountain, sub-desert, acacia savanna and Miombo woodland areas.

In Uganda it is found in Lake Mburo National Park.

What the Common Eland eats

They browse more than graze, feeding in areas where shrubs and bushes provide the leaves they prefer and using their horns to being highs and branches in to reach they consume certain fruits, large bulls and tuberous roots identification.

How to identify the Common Eland

The cow-like Eland is the world’s largest antelope and in the animal most often depicted in the early rock of E.A. it is the showed antelope. It can jump and foot fence from a stand still. Both males and females have horns that spiral tightly through female tend to be longer and thinner. A tuft of black hair grows out the male eland’s prominent dewlap, the loose fold of skin that hangs down the neck. Adult males have a mat of hair on the forehead that grows longer and denser on the animals ages usually fawn or tawny-colored, eland’s skin gray or bluish-gray as they get older, the oldest animals become almost black.


In Elands, the older the male, the more solitary its tendencies, while younger animals may form small groups males are also more sedentary than females who may travel widely especially during the dry season. Females and young are found in loosely cohesive groups. Calves spend a lot of time grooming and licking each other, developing bonds even stronger than those of a calf with its mother. Gestation is about 280 days.

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