Does the person coming from Uganda to USA need our banking info?

We have invited a friend from Uganda to visit for 10 $days with us in the USA. He says we need to write An invitation and they need our banking statement, showing we have enough money to support him while he is here. Or our pay stubs from work, showing we have enough income to support him while he is here. Will it cost him to get a VIsA in Uganda to come to the USA and how long will it take? Is it normal to require bank statements? This seems to be a red flag to us. Thank you.Bill

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Aug 06, 2019

by: Noah

Dear Bill,
The USA Visa requirements for Ugandans in general are very stringent.

It may cost between USD60-400 just to pay for a the Visa and paying the Visa fees does not guarantee that the applicant get the Visa.

It is also not uncommon for the Consular Officer to ask for proof of financial resources for the Visa applicant to support oneself at while in the USA.

I therefore think that asking for Bank Statements should not be seen as a red flag.

Kind regards,

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