East African Development Bank eyes lead role in regional Integration

Tuesday, 1st November 2011

The East African Development Bank's (EADB) outlook is positive as it poised to tap into and be a key catalyst of opportunities arising from the deepening integration of the East African Community (EAC) partner states.

According the EADB Chairman, Alhaj. Ramadhan M. Khijjah, as the East African Community common markets take root, the're high expectations of the bank's role in promoting the region's social-economic development.

The East African Development Bank which is headquartered in Uganda has an investment framework that establishes the centrality of risk management venturing into those sectors whose growth is constrained by limited finance. Consequently, the bank's gross portfolio of US$108 million as of 2010 is diversified across all the key sectors important to the regional economy.

The fiscal stance by EAC member states is partly aimed at addressing the energy demand supply gap as well as inefficiencies in the road and railway system. These infra-structure investments require strategic partnerships between governments and the private sector and EADB would explore such opportunities to address regional infra-structure challenges.

The lead role by EADB to invest in the regional Energy and Transport sectors would help reduce the cost of doing business in East Africa at a time when we're seeing record high commodity prices.

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