Fees for Registration of company in Uganda

by Esther Nalungi

How much is registration fees for a company with a shared capital of UGX 1,000,000/=, 2,000,000/= and 3,000,000/=?

Where do i pay for a trading licence.

Whichever share capital you stipulate when incorporating your company within the Memorandums and articles of association, the amount will attract a stamp duty which would not normally exceed 1% of the share capital.

Other fees will include legal fees for the Attorney assisting you, Registration fees and stamp duty on the MEMARTs.

If it is a business/company sale then you will need to pay up some capital gains tax
when you've sold part of the company to raise capital.

We will have to pay for your trading license to the appropriate town/district authority through an approved bank.

When your business is to be located in Kampala City, then you will pay the Trading License money to Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA).

Contact us here for further assistance with registering your company in Uganda.

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Feb 01, 2019
What is the exact fee to register an event company
by: Anonymous

What is the fixed fee for registering an event company in Uganda?

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