Grey driker antelope in Uganda

It is also know as the common driker.
The grey driker is a member of the pygmy antelope and can survive in close proximity to man. When hunting the drikers, trophy evaluation can be difficult as most often only feeling glances will be offered. It is extremely difficult to hunt, when hunting a driker on ‘purpose’ a short gun will be an excellent choice as most shots will be taken at short range on a running target. A hunter should aim straight up the foreleg, just below the animals mid-line. Quick expanding bullets placed on the shoulder will result in a spiral hit and the little antelope should drop to the shot, making him a lot easier to find.


Scientific name sylvicapra grimmia
Kingdom animalia
Phylum chordata
Class mammalia
Order artodactyla
Family boridae
Genius sylvicapra
Species grimmia

Where to find the Grey driker antelope

It is found in South Africa, east Africa in or close to long grass and thick bush.

You can easily find Kibale National Park in Uganda.

What the Grey driker antelope eats

Grey driker is independent of water as he is able to get sufficient moisture from his browse and has extremely refined senses.

How to Identify a Grey driker antelope

Have longer and better developed legs and his back is less rounded than forest drikers. Grey driker is medium sized still much smaller than most of the other antelopes as a camouflaged coloring. Only males carry horns which stand fairly upright.


The driker is mostly is mostly a browser and most active during the late afternoon and early evening. A solitary antelope, he will most often be encountered alone. He has a low scooting style of running.

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