How to Barbeque Goat Meat the Traditional African Way (Enyama Enjokye/Muchomo)

Goat Roasting with Temporary Barbecueing stove

Goat Roasting with Temporary Barbecueing stove

Traditional Barbeque Recipe Ingridients

Goat Meat

Muchoma Cooking Method

Cut your goat meat into pieces

Put on Skewers “Obuti”

Roast over glowing charcoal

When it heats up, sprinkle salt as you turn the meat until you add enough.

If heat is too much, reduce it by pouring some ash or removing some of the charcoal or put some banana peelings or put some banana stems (bigogo) or pour some water.

Keep turning until meat is cooked.

Use of a temporally barbecueing stove

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