How to grow PASSION FRUITS in Uganda

Ripe Passion Fruits on Plant

Ripe Passion Fruits on Plant

Passion fruit is a perennial vigorous vine, which grows to give oval or round shaped fruit.

This vine is native to tropical regions of southern Brazil; this succulent fruit is also grown in Uganda and mainly in Masaka and Kasese districts’.

The fruit is easy to grow as it gives back to the farmer in only 8-12 months.

Where to Find Market for your Passion Fruits

In addition to the local Ugandan markets, the European and the growing supermarkets in Burundi, Dr.Congo, Rwanda and South Sudan present new market opportunities for passion fruits grown in Uganda.

Common Passion Fruit varieties in Uganda

The purple Grandilla-Is popular for its scent and is locally known as Kasese, Masaka and Kenyan passion fruit variety.

Highly resistant Kawanda hybrid- this is a cross between the local purple and the yellow passion fruits.

Yellow passion -This passion fruit is grown for its aromatic but rather acidic pulp.

Click here to buy passion fruits and Seedlings in Uganda

Soil requirements for Passion Fruits

Passion fruit plants require fertile soils with plenty of mineral supply in order to achieve optimum growth and yields.

A soil pH range of 6.0 to 6.5 is the best.

How to propagate Passion fruits in Uganda

Propagate your passion fruits using either seeds, stem cuttings, or even grafted prop gules.

How to plant Passion Fruits in Africa

Plant passion fruit in at least (2x20) ft width and 3ft depth.

The holes must be well fertilized.

Open up the planting holes at least 2-3 months earlier. This gives room to kill the soil pests and it borne diseases.

After mix the top soil with compost and then put it back, as this is very important at the initial stages.

To further boost the plant growth, add NPK and CAN fertilizer at the climbing stage and when the branches start to develop.

Harvest your passion fruits 4-6 weeks after transfer to the main field.

Trellis the fruit plant with 270 cm long and 15 cm in diameter posts. Place these posts in 60 cm deep holes spaced at 6 m apart in rows midway between the plants.

Opt for companion planting as you inter-crop passion fruits with green paper, onion, carrots and other short term veggies. However avoid crops like maize, bananas; sugar canes as these are heavy feeders.

Click here to buy passion fruits and Seedlings in Uganda

How to Harvest Passion fruits in Uganda

Harvesting of passion fruit stars from 8-12 months especially for the purple ones.

Pick fruit when they turn from green to purple, and when the calyx has dried up leaving a small stalk attached.

For processing, fruits should preferably be left to drop on to clean mulch. They should not be plucked from their stems.

Usually fruits which have dropped can be collected once or twice a week. During the rainy season they should be picked up every other day and kept in a cool place.

Click here to buy passion fruits and Seedlings in Uganda

Quick Tips for growing passions in Uganda

  • Deep plough the proposed site to open up soil for proper aeration and water filtration.

  • Open up planting holes of (45x45x45) cm in advance.

  • Mix the top soil with compost and then put it back to the hole.

  • Transplant the germinated seedlings at the onset of the rainy season.

  • Transplanting should be in the morning or late evening to reduce chances of their failure due to heat stress.

  • Alternatively you could start with seeds.

  • Soak the seeds in warm water to facilitate germination.

  • Leave the seeds to air dry before main planting is done.

  • Place the seeds in a 1 cm deep in polythene pots.

  • Thinly cover with soil and then water to facilitate germination.

  • When seedlings grow to a height of (20 to 25) cm, transplant them to their main location.

  • Harvest passions when the green cover of the fruit turns purple.

  • Invest in security by at your passion fruit garden by posting a full time Security guard and erecting a secure fence. This is especially useful during the harvest season.

Click here to buy passion fruits and Seedlings in Uganda

Comments for How to grow PASSION FRUITS in Uganda

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by: Anonymous


Can I plant the seeds under a nursery bed without polythens and the transplant?
by: Musasizi Musa

Am starting to invest in agriculture therefore passion fruit is my favorite

by: Emor Alex

How do I prune?

Hello, I want to start on a passion fruit growing in Nwoya district, do you think it would do well? thanks
by: Mrs. Ojara

Hello, I'm interested in growing passion fruits in Nwoya district. do you think it would do well? thanks

Can I replant purple passion fruit hybrid seeds by extracting locally the seeds and still get good harvest?


Thank you
by: nathan

it was just wanted to say thank you for this information, because am soon begining on this passion fruit growing project. once i get the land

How can I reach you.
by: joel

Hello,am Joel I have passion fruits here in Bundibugyo,how can I access the good market.

by: Mugoys

Hello am a passion fruit farmer bases in mbale with 5 acre of passionfruits, it's now almost seven months but no harvest even 50 kilometers, I need an expert to visit my farm and give us ideas contact me on

passion fruit season after season
by: Anonymous

can i grow passion fruit on the same field season after season?

Where can I get the already geminated seeds for planting
by: Where can I get

Am intending to start up the passion fruits project and the place is ready,am asking of wherrbi can get the already geminated seeds for planting
Secondary, can I begin with planting yet I did not dig the holes months backward.

by: Auta John Michael

I want to start to grow purple passion fruit in Serere district eastern Uganda, Can it do well in this area also. please help to advise me

tree plant in passionfruit growing
by: Anonymous

if i have trees can i mix up with my passion fruits plants in terms of providing shade.

container farming
by: Anonymous

can passion fruits be grown in large containers like drums and still grow well
advice me please

Inspiring Tips
by: Jacob Obua

These tips will help young graduates and others to embrace farming especially passion fruit farming. this is so encouraging. We hope for more lessons on passion fruit farming and markets.

Kind Regards

Jacob Obua

passion fruit
by: da bellz

tell more about the passion fruit market statitics in uganda currently

Passion fruit farm start.
by: Anonymous

I am justill clearing the field and organising a watering system for a one acre to start with for passion fruit growing Do you advise an initial soil testing?

flowers falling off
by: Anonymous

could you please respond to question why flowers fall off?

by: Richard

Is planting 2 seedlings in one hole allowed

flowers falling off
by: Anonymous

why do passion fruit flowers fall off?

what do i need
by: Anonymous

can i be assisted to startt my passionfruit farm in kanungu. What are the requirements ?

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