Impala antelop in Uganda

The impala’s scientific name has several meanings which can be broken down into aepyceros (Greek) high keras (Greek) horns. This is because of the large horns on the males. Melaphus (Greek) black, pour (Greek) the foot because of the black glands on the hind feet.


Common name: Impala Antelope
Scientific name aepyceros melampus
Kingdom animalia
Phylum chordata
Class mammalia
Ortder antodactyla
Family boridae
Genius aeopyceros
Species melampus

Where to find the Impala Antelope

It is found in east Africa, South Africa and in Namibia to Mozambique. They stay in open woodland often near water.

You will easily be able to see the Impala antelope in Lake Mburo National Park in Uganda.

What the Impala Antelope eats

They feed on vegetation that is grass, leaves, fruit and usually drink at least once a day. They have a lifespan of up to 15 years and who have six subspecies.

How to identify the Impala Antelope

Males have impressive tyre-shaped hours. A small grazing antelope with a light reddish-brown coat, paler plants and while belly. These are dark and white rings around the eyes and black vertical stripe either side of the tail which who has a black stripe. The ears have black lips. The limbs are delicate and there is a black scent on the hind ankles.


Impala live in the wooded areas browsing and grazing vegetation as they move. Males and females have different social groups. Females from small mobile herds, whilst males tend to have individual territories. They are active in periods throughout the day and night and usually need to drink at least once a day.

They are very agile, but flee in to dense vegetation if attacked. Breeding occurs once a year. Birth occurs in spring and autumn. A single youngsters is born, sexual materials is reached at 1 year for females, 1.5 for males.

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