Reedbuck is easily confused with the impala though it lacks the three black stripes found on the hind quarters of the impala. The impala is much redder in color.
Common name: Reedbuck
Scientific name: Redunca arundinum
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Arodactyla
Family Boridae
Genus Redunca
Species Arundinum
Where to find the Reedbuck
They are found near water and especially on the flood plains in South Africa and East Africa. These are some also in Central Africa.
In Uganda you will easily find the Reedbuck at
Murchison Falls National Park.
What the Reedbuck eats
They feed on leaves, foliage and grass
How to identify a Reedbuck
Males weigh 80Kg and females 70Kg. Their shoulder height is of 90cm. The common Reedbuck is a medium sized antelope he is distinguished by a long neck and body, sturdy legs and powerful hind quarters. Only the rain carry hours which are generally short, heavily ridged and curved forward. Color varies from yellow to grey brown. The throat and chest tend towards a grayish white and belly will be almost pure while.
Common Reedbuck is found near water as they are water dependent and always found where water is abundant. They will usually present themselves in pairs, but may be found in larger herds especially during the winter months. They graze during the cooler parts of the day and often at night. During the heat of the day they tend to lay-up in the seed beds or tall grass when ‘spooked’ they tend to run with a rocking horse movement, evil held high showing its underside.