Uganda Emerges best tourism exhibitor 2015 in Durban South Africa

The exhibition, which had attracted a number of countries mainly from Africa, took place in Durban and ended on May 11.

Three East African states Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya have emerged the top three exhibitors at this year's South African Tourism and Travel Expo, commonly known as Indaba.

Uganda emerged the best exhibitor with Rwanda and Kenya coming in second and third, respectively.

The three East African nations now jointly market themselves as a single tourist destination, thanks to a Single Tourist Visa, launched early last year as part of a raft of regional integration initiatives on the Northern Corridor.

"We would like to reassure tourists that the region is safe for travel, has good infrastructure, including modern information and communications technology, and has an attractive and diverse tourism offering that one can access with just a single visa," Rwanda's High Commissioner to South Africa, Vincent Karega, said in a statement.

He said the ranking was based on the exhibitors' hospitality, the level of engagement by tour operators, and observance of the environment, among other factors.

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