Uganda Kob

Kobs are gregarious antelopes. They live together with a Bushbuck and Bohor seed buck in a large grassed enclosed near the centers front gates at Uganda Wildlife Educational centre. (UWEC). There are currently 3 males and 3 females at UWEC.


Common name: Uganda Kob
Scientific name: Kobus Kob
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: mammalia
Order: Artodactyla
Family: Boridae
Genus: Kobus
Species: Kob

Where to find the Uganda Kob

They are found in Uganda almost everywhere, like at the Uganda wildlife Educational Center, Queen Elizabeth National Park and Murchison fall a national Park, Kidepo Valley National Park.

You will also find the Kob in Karuma Wildlife Reserve in Uganda.

What the Uganda Kob Eats

They feed on cowpea leaves, cut grass, vegetables and greens, new shoots of grass.

How to identify a Uganda Kob

The male Kob is fairly stocky antelope wit a muscular neck. Only the males have horns that are twisted from the forehead. The horns reach a length of between 40-69cm. the coat coloration is anything from a yellowish orange color to reddish color with white under surfaces and throat and facial patches. They have black markings on their legs. Males are larger than females searching a head and body length of 180cm.


They live in herds whose size varies considerably throughout the year. Due to seasonal movements, larger Kob populations do not maintain permanent territories. Movements from one habit 2 another may be the result of seasonal environmental changes such as flooding, five and drought which affect suitable habitants, food and water sources. Females determine when and where to move and the males follow these lead b reading’ in seasonal and after a gestation period of a months, a single offspring is born.

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