Uganda Revenue Authority trains Central Equatorial tax officers

Wednesday, 31st August, 2011

The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has passed out the first batch of the Central Equatorial State –Revenue Authority officers.

The 40 officers were trained in customs laws procedures and tax law practices. The Central Equatorial is one of the 10 states of the new independent South Sudan.

Janet Luzinda, the URA assistant commissioner for human resource, explained over the weekend that the three-month course was designed to equip the participants with skills and knowledge in key taxation fields.

“The objective was to share the Ugandan success story on URA reforms and modernisation of the tax administration,” Luzinda said. “The training was also aimed to further the existing ties of cooperation between the two countries” Luzinda noted.

Luzinda added that the students’ overall performance was good with over 97% of them passing all the papers.

By Mark Owor: The New Vision Newspaper

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