Uganda Revenue Authority trains officers on tax oil

Wednesday June 22, 2011

Uganda Revenue Authority legal officers have been trained in international income and petroleum taxation.

This was aimed at enebling them cope with the increasing presence of foreign firms operating in the oil-rich region. They were trained in domestic and cross-border transactions, tax treaties, transfer pricing, international tax policy and international petroleum taxation by the East African School of Taxation.

“There are many international firms operating here, but it is up to us to build capacity to understand the current trends and to deal with tax issues and expatriates operating in the country,” Ali Ssekatawa, the assistant commissioner for litigation, said.

Godfrey Akena, the school director, said taxation had become more complex.

“We know that without taxes, a country cannot survive, but they should always be fair to encourage tax compliance,” Akena said.

By Samuel Sanya: The Newvision Newspaper

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