Uganda to start constructing USD450Million highway to Entebbe Airport in 6 months


Construction of a six-lane highway from Entebbe to Kampala is scheduled to start in six months' time, the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) spokesperson, Dan Alinange has said.

The project has been partly funded by the Chinese government, which has already contributed US$350m (about sh875bn) towards the construction of the highway.

The Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, Zhao ya Li echoed the pronouncement during a visit to Chang-Sha Model School, Katabi in Entebbe Municipality.

Li toured the school which was named after China's Chang-Sha city after their partnership with the Entebbe Municipality.

"Our friendship with Uganda goes way back to October 18, 1962 where we were among the first governments to recognize the Ugandan government immediately after independence on 9th October 1962," he revealed.

He said the friendship between the two governments has resulted in the newly completed Naguru Hospital while about 50 students are given scholarships every year to China plus many other projects in the country.

Alinange explained that the Ugandan government is contributing $100m (about sh250bn) towards the construction and sh100bn for compensation to the people in the area.

"We have already started compensation and after clearing payments we will give them six months to vacate so that work begins," Alinange said.

He said the road will be constructed by China Communication Co. Ltd and will take three years.

The 51km-highway is expected to cross from Busega on Masaka road through Kabojja, Nakawuka then come out around the junction of Nkumba University at Abaita-Ababiri where it will expand in about six lanes up to Entebbe Airport.

Alinange says a spur will be made from Lweza through Mutungo and Kigo up to the lake at Munyonyo.

"When we finish this highway in three years from now it will only take motorists between 20-30 minutes to reach Entebbe from Kampala as there will be no jam, "he declared.

Entebbe mayor Vincent De Paul Kayanja, excited about the highway, said the new route will help in bringing down the number of road accidents now common on Entebbe road.

"Police explains that many of the accidents occur as a result of people rushing for flights at the airport but when we get a better road they will be able to move without jam delaying them," Kayanja said.

The Chinese envoy donated a laptop to Entebbe Municipality and a 42-inch TV plus a video camera to Chang-Sha Model School.

BY GLADYS KALIBBALA: The New Vision Newspaper

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Dec 30, 2014
by: Ca

Each family owns at least 2 vehicles now and for the same reason each year traffic is increasing with no control at all. so it is very much necessary that we do have good and big roads too evade it.

Jul 27, 2012
by: flightstoentebbe

nice work

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