Visa issuance

by ali Ahmed
(Börlange Sweden)

Question: I am Somali national who live in Sweden at the same time have permenant residence permit I have travel document my question is should I have to collect my visa hear in Sweden or i can get visa entry upon arrival of Enttebe international airport?
please give me quick feedback

Hello Ahmed, I recommend that you apply for a Uganda Visa with the Uganda Embassy in Stockholm. Make sure your travel document will still be valid during the time you will be in Uganda.

Also, knowing the current political situation in your country, I would Imagine the Uganda Immigration would not object to give you a visa on arrival at Entebbe Airport if you meet the prescribed Uganda visa requirements.

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Feb 09, 2013
by: Moses

Also, knowing the current political situation in your country, I would Imagine the Uganda Immigration would not object to give you a visa on arrival at Entebbe Airport if you meet the prescribed Uganda visa requirements.OTHERWISE WISE U CAN CONTACT ME FOR ANY HELP YOU MAY NEED ON MI EMAIL concerning touring uganda national parks

Mar 24, 2012
by: Friend

I have seen some people being denied the right to fly with such a document but this is very sheldon. Most somalis get their visas upon arrival.Also heard you might have to pat away with a few extra dollars if the immigration officer is not satisfied with your reasons of travel. But this should not worry you.

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