WARID Telecom and Air Uganda to promote air transport

Friday July 8, 2011

IN a move aimed at making air travel popular among Ugandans, Air Uganda and WARID Telecom will fly 800 Ugandans to destinations of their choice around East Africa.

“We will give out free return air tickets over the next eight weeks to give Ugandans, who have never used air transport before, a chance to fly to Nairobi, Dar-es-Salaam, Zanzibar or Kigali,” said Hugh Fraser, the airline boss, at the launch of the “Give wings to your dreams” promotion.

The promotion, which was unveiled on Wednesday, will see 100 WARID customers winning tickets every week to fly to a destination of their choice before December 15.

Shailendra Naidu, the WARID chief commercial officer, said the idea to partner with Air Uganda was borne out of the desire to do something unique.

“Customers, who will load airtime worth sh1,000 or more, will automatically qualify for the draw,” he said. The telecom company boosts of about 2.4 million customers.

By Samuel Sanya: The New Vision Newspaper

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Nov 01, 2011
list of flight offers
by: robert

Please we would be happy if you included the lucky winners list of the free flight tours on internet.

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